Onondaga Ski Club Website
OK, there are over 20 members at the lodge this evening, getting ready for a week or so of skiing here in Vermont. While the snow is not as deep as it has been in years past, it is white on all the fields and hills/mountains within sight. Temperature should be great to glide on the slopes, and snow is forecast. The local ski areas are saying snow is on the way, and they already have made additional snow for many of their trails. It's about 6:30 PM up here, and somebody here said just now it's snowing out.
Tonight is the first night everyone showed up, so we sat around and did some wonderful eating thanks to members bringing up and cooking whatever they brought. This will continue for the week, so and so doing this night, another so and so doing the next, etc. It's a loose plan, but it has worked in the past and am sure it will continue as the club members are just one big family that loves to do things together, skiing, biking, paddling, dancing, everything.